
The Town and The Public Enemy

Both The Town and The Public Enemy are pretty good films about antiheroes. Even though they are different films, one modern and one older, they have many similarities, as well as differences.
The most obvious similarity is that both films have antiheroes, Doug and Tom. Even though the “good guy” isn’t that much of a good guy, we’re still rooting for them the entire movie. A main similarity is also that it’s the main character and his best friend; Tom has Matt, and Doug has James. Another thing is that both of our heroes are robbers. Doug, from The Town, does bank robberies, while Tom, from The Public Enemy, is in the bootleg beer business, and he even starts robbing people as a child. This leads to another similarity, both get involved into the robbery business at a young age. Tom steals as a child and continues doing so, while Doug gets involved by working for the same man his father worked for, so he knew about everything growing up.
Some differences are that Doug changes for love, while Tom just likes women; he’d never settle down, which his best friend even says in the film. The most obvious difference would be the time period, but other than this, another main difference is that Doug was basically raised with James, since his father was put away; Tom grew up with his own family. This leads to the fact that Tom also had an older brother who he was compared to at his house, whereas Doug and James were like brothers, instead of actually having brothers. Lastly, a major difference is that Doug’s story ends well, while Tom doesn’t survive at the end of the film.
Although both The Town and The Public Enemy, were in different time periods, they are both very similar in plot. The stories are different, as well as characters, but it’s still the same idea.

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